
My Show at home is a platform that will revolutionize the world of arts and spetacle.

This pandemic situation has brought numerously problems to many professional areas. The world of arts and spetacle is, undoubtedly, one of the most affected.

This pandemic situation has brought numerously problems to many professional areas. The world of arts and spetacle is, undoubtedly, one of the most affected. Without being able to realize presential events, what is the solution to the artists get connected with the audience, and still being able to monetize them activity? How may the public get access to art and culture?

My show at home has the answer.

An online event room. The artist rents the room, the audience adquire the tickets. And the event will take place the same way as it was in a theatre or a festival, or anywhere. Only that the comfort of the home may me the room where the audience will see the event.